Binaural Beat MP3


This collection is loaded with topic specific tracks designed to help with performance, anxiety, motivation, energy, insomnia, stress, and more. There is also a bonus track in the collection not listed on this page. Download all 11 new brainwave entrainment programs in volume II of BrainWave Rhythms from…

Tibetan Bowls ~ Delta Brainwave Entrainment

The Tibetan Bowls – Delta session uses binaural beats consistent with delta brainwave activity. This is also excellent for sleep and drifting off into a healing visualization.


New! How to Use Brainwave Entrainment for self-hypnosis and reprogramming your subconscious mind. Learn tips for reprogramming, the Art of Visualization, How to use Audios for reprogramming, and How to create and use Powerful Affirmations. Plus you get AmbientWaves and all BrainWave Rhythms tracks (Volumes I and II) to practice your new skills (about 30 minutes each.)


BrainWave Rhythms, Vol II Previews

Actual Running Time About 30 Minutes Each

How to Use These Tracks for Mental Programming

By guiding and encouraging deep relaxation, these programs also provide an opportunity to access and activate internal resources that have been there all along — such as self-confidence, creativity, energy, and pleasant emotional states such as joy to name a few.

Remember, “You cannot dwell on one thing while trying to create another – Emmet Fox”… So before listening take a moment to develop a visualization of how you look, sound and feel when those resources are active. Make this visualization as vivid and real as you can (Intensity). Then listen to your chosen programs 4 to 5 times a week while mentally rehearsing this visualization ‘as if’ you already have what you seek.

NOTE: If you have a pacemaker, are pregnant, are using drugs, or history of seizure please consult your Doctor before using brainwave entrainment programs. (Click here for more information)

Deep Sleep-Delta Preview

The Deep Sleep session uses isotronic beats consistent with delta brainwave activity which is the level of activity for deep, restorative sleep. Lower theta and upper delta brainwave activity is great for healing and restoration. Delta level relaxation can be so deep sometimes that even the subconscious mind may take a 10-15 minute break from cognitive functions, dreaming, etc.

Motivator 1 Preview

The Motivator 1 session is the first of two sessions that use isotronic beats consistent with beta brainwave activity. Beat is a state of alertness with increased blood flow, the brain makes it’s own energy from glucose and oxygen – both of which are carried in the blood stream. More energy often translates into more motivation.

Motivator 2 Preview

The Motivator 2 session is the first of two sessions that use isotronic beats consistent with beta brainwave activity. The difference between Motivator 1 and 2 is the music. The conscious mind needs variety and one of these might be better than the other depending on your preferences. Visualize your brain becoming more alert and focused over time.

Energizer 1 Preview

The Energzier 1 session uses isotronic beats consistent with beta brainwave activity which is ideal for focus, concentration, attention and energy. Beta activity includes increased bloodflow which is where the brain gets the glucose and oxygen to make energy. (Energizer 2 has different background music which only matters to the conscious mind)

Energizer 2 Preview

The Energzier 2 session also uses isotronic beats consistent with beta brainwave activity which is ideal for focus, concentration, attention and energy. Beta activity includes increased bloodflow which is where the brain gets the glucose and oxygen to make our energy. (Energizer 1 has different background music which only matters to the conscious mind)

Peak Performance Preview

The Peak Performance session uses isotronic beats consistent with beta brainwave activity. This session requires that you have a clear vision of the performance that you want to give your audience and that you can mentally rehearse as you listen to the program. The really great performers either knew this intuitively or were taught to do it by a coach or a mentor.

Stress Relief-Elation Preview

The Stress Relief-Elation session uses isotronic beats consistent with beta brainwave activity. The beta level brainwave activity combined with the motivational music are like mixing primary colors, in this case the goal is an effect I like to call elation. The brainwave rhythms in the left ear are different that the rhythms being delivered to the right ear – “Brain Candy”.

Stormy Night-Theta Preview

This version of the Stormy Night session uses isotronic beats consistent with theta brainwave activity which is ideal for encouraging brainwave activity of REM sleep. (This is the Stormy Night session from our Meditation Music collection, but with theta brainwave beats added to enhance the effects.)

Paradise Beach-SMR Preview

The Paradise Beach SMR session uses isotronic beats consistent with Sensory Motor Rhythm (SMR) brainwave activity. Sensory Motor Rhythms are a level just between upper alpha and lower beta brainwave activity. These are very good for motivation while visualizing your outcome in a waking state.

NOTE: Some of the tracks in this collection (paradise beach, Forest Lake, and Stormy Night) are the same as the ones in our Meditation Music collection except they have isochronic brainwave entrainment beats embedded in the background.Some of these brainwave entrainment programs may induce a state of sleep. Look at the clock before you begin and make a mental note to your unconscious mind to re-alert you at a certain time. (Or just set an alarm if you’d rather) The programs last approximately 20 minutes each.

Another term for programs that employ brainwave rythyms such as monaural, isotronic, and binaural beats is Brainwave Entrainment because brainwave activity naturally synchronizes with the rythym of the beats, then as the beats slow down, so does the brainwave activity – exactly what happens when one begins to relax and then falls to sleep. With repetition, the brain is “trained” to more of the programmed brainwave activity.

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Don Carter CEO/Psychotherapist, Carter Counseling & Coaching Services
Don Carter, MSW, LCSW, CCTP, CCTP-II is an Integrative Psychotherapist and Certified Complex Trauma Professional at Levels 1 & 2, A graduate of the University of Missouri School of Social Work and trained by former Harvard professor, Dr. Janina Fisher Ph.D, Don's primary specialty areas include emotional, physical, and sexual abuse trauma, addictions, codependency, mood disorders, C-PTSD, and Adult/Child Syndrome. Don offers in-office and online counseling and coaching services and is licensed in Missouri.